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Crop Your Images Online in Seconds. Fast and free!

Effortlessly crop images (JPEG, JPG, PNG) or photos into various shapes online—quick, free, and simple to use.
By uploading your image or video, you agree to the Elegantflyer Terms of use and Privacy Policy
The fastest and easiest online tools for photo editing
—crop, resize, and customize your images in seconds.
Upload Your Image
Choose your JPG or PNG file and load it into our crop tool.
Drag the corners to select the perfect area to crop.
Download your cropped image instantly or explore further editing options.
What People Are Saying About Our Image Crop Tool
Super simple and quick! I cropped my image in seconds without any hassle. Highly recommend this tool!
Exactly what I needed! The crop tool is intuitive, and I love that it works perfectly on my phone and laptop.
Fantastic tool! I was able to crop and adjust my image precisely, and the download was instant. Great job!
Online Crop Image Tool

Now, editing is fast, easy, and accessible to everyone with the help of our image cropping tool. You can easily crop photos in JPG, PNG or GIF formats - no need for expensive software or special skills.

Just upload the image, select the area to crop, choose from available shapes or dimensions, and download the finished result. It is an ideal solution for social networks, presentations, and personal projects. The tool is free, works on any device and ensures privacy. Your files will be automatically deleted after processing.

You asked, we answered
1. Is your cropping tool free to use?
Yes, you can edit your images for free using our online cropping tool.
2. What image formats are supported?
In order to download your image to our cropping tool, it should be in JPG, PNG, or JPEG formats and up to 40 MB.
3. Do I need to install any software?
No, with our online cropping tool, you won’t need anything except your browser.
4. Are my images secure?
Your privacy is protected! No data is transmitted or stored.